The purpose of this site is to provide information on the first steps in promoting diversity and inclusion in companies.
You can enquire about further training and help with strategy from the experts who participated in the study. You can also get started with the books and online publications below.
Jasmin Assulin and Naomi Holopainen, specialists in diversity and inclusion, participated in the thesis, which served as the background material for this site.

Jasmin Assulin
deidei Oy
Jasmin is a diversity, equity and inclusion expert and the CEO and co-founder of deidei.

Naomi Holopainen
ATAÁ Agency
Naomi is a co-founder of a creative agency focusing on diversity, equity and inclusion.

Bachelor’s thesis
Read the full research used as a reference for the site.
Monikulttuurisen tiimin johtaminen antirasistisesta näkökulmasta. Metropolia AMK. Viestinnän tutkinto-ohjelma. 2022.
In Finnish:
Kolonialismin jäljet. Joel Kuortti, Mikko Lehtonen & Olli Löytty, 2007.
Miksi en enää puhu valkoisille rasismista. Reni Eddo-Lodge, 2021.
Monikulttuurinen työelämä. Leena Lahti. 2014.
Monikulttuurinen työpaikka. Kirsi Yli-Kaitala, Minna Toivanen, Barbara Bergbom, Auli Airila & Ari Vääränen, 2013.
Rasismi, valta ja vastarinta. Suvi Keskinen, Minna Seikkula & Faith Mkwesha, 2021
In English:
Diversity intelligence: How to Create a Culture of Inclusion for Your Business. Heidi R. Andersen, 2021
So You Want to Talk About Race. Oluo Ijeoma, 2018.
The Conversation: How Talking About Racism Can Transform Individuals and Organizations. Robert Livingston, 2021
White Privilege: The Myth of a Post-Racial Cociety. Kalwani Bhopal, 2018.
White Fragility: Why it’s Hard to Talk to White People About Racism. Robin DiAngelo, 2018
Oikeusministe5riön tasa-arvo ja yhdenvertaisuussuunnitelma
Tummaihoisena EU:ssa -tutkimus, Euroopan unionin perusoikeusvirasto
Työelämän monimuotoisuuden työkalut, TEM
Ulkomailla syntyneiden hyvinvointitutkimus (FinMonik), Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos